Codie Bell’s quest to transform universities
There is a growing problem of ‘rape culture’ on the campus of the Australian National University. There have been new dimensions of this problem in recent years such as a Facebook group titled ‘ANU Stalkerspace’ which has been the particularly public host of some unpleasant public discussion about women and minorities. The Rape Crisis Centre […]
Learning to Scale Up Restorative Justice
Kerry Clamp’s final chapter of her new volume, Restorative Justice in Transitional Settings , is about a transformative vision for restorative justice as a response to mass victimisation. One way I have argued for transitional justice to become more transformative is for it to become less transitional. In her recent writing, Kerry Clamp […]
LGBT bullying and restorative empowerment
My co-author and former PhD student, Ray Nickson, who is now Criminal Justice Program Director in the Peace and Conflict Studies Centre of Fresno Pacific University sent me this inspiring news story:
Well done 17 year old Sam, well done Bullard High School and Fresno Pacific for such […]
New Evidence on the Effectiveness of Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation
Jennifer Wong, Jessica Bouchard, Jason Gravel, Martin Bouchard, and Carlo Morselli have published a new meta-analysis [1] on the effectiveness of restorative justice with at-risk youth in the latest issue of Criminal Justice and Behavior. Their meta-analysis included more recent studies than previous meta-analyses and added search for studies published in French.
Their results […]
Restorative justice
In this short video John Braithwaite provides a succinct summary of the meaning of restorative justice and how it can be part of a healing process. As John says in this excerpt;
Restorative justice is about outside-in design, where the insiders are not telling us how to regulate our lives all the time, but we’re coming up […]
The disgrace of Australian juvenile justice again
Guest blog by Val Braithwaite, School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet), Australian National University.
We are extremely proud of Sharynne Hamilton who completed an Indigenous internship with RegNet while she was doing her Honours degree.
Sharynne has suspended her PhD at RegNet to work on a project on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum […]
The Frustrations of Royal Commissions
Australians were rightly ashamed last week to see the Four Corners program on brutality against children at the Don Dale Detention Centre in the Northern Territory. Yes, it is to our credit as a people that we can feel national disgust at this and establish a Royal Commission to report on what we need […]
Northern Ireland: duty of hope
Over nine days in late May-June 2016, Derick Wilson, Kirsty Campbell and John Braithwaite had thirty meetings with diverse public, political, civic and community organisations in Belfast, Dublin, Derry and Ballycastle. These meetings were hosted by two reconciliation charities, the Understanding Conflict Trust and the Corrymeela Community on the theme of ‘The Politics of Hope and […]
Restorative Justice and Democracy
I recently published in Raisons Politiques an article entitled: ‘Deliberative Republican Hybridity through Restorative Justice’ (in French and English).
It argues for a hybrid between deliberative democracy and Philip Pettit’s ideal of contestatory democracy in which contestatory democracy is contested by deliberative democracy. Drawing on the experience with democracy of India and other countries, the […]