

16 08 2016

The Nauru Files

By |2017-10-18T06:33:58+11:0016 August 2016|Categories: Democracy, Governance, Human Rights, Refugees|Tags: , , |

More than 1200 asylum seekers remain incarcerated on Nauru and Manus Island in PNG, under the Australian Government’s draconian policy of  ‘stopping the boats’ and ‘regional processing’. And it’s not just the current government.

As Waleed Aly pointed out in his Comment in the Age on 28 April 2016, Australia’s policy on asylum seekers […]

29 06 2016

Restorative Justice and Democracy

By |2017-10-18T06:33:59+11:0029 June 2016|Categories: Democracy, Gender, Governance, Restorative Justice, Restorative Practice|Tags: , , , , , |

I recently published in Raisons Politiques an article entitled: ‘Deliberative Republican Hybridity through Restorative Justice’ (in French and English).

It argues for a hybrid between deliberative democracy and Philip Pettit’s ideal of contestatory democracy in which contestatory democracy is contested by deliberative democracy. Drawing on the experience with democracy of India and other countries, the […]

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