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J. Braithwaite, T. Makkai and V. Braithwaite. 2007. Regulating Aged Care: Ritualism and the New Pyramid
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Reviews (Edward Elgar Publishing UK)

J. Healy and J. Braithwaite (2006) ‘Designing Safer Health Care through Responsive Regulation’ Medical Journal of Australia 184(10), S56-S59.

J. Braithwaite, J. Healy and K. Dwan (2005) The Governance of Health Safety and Quality. Canberra: Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care [report].

J. Braithwaite (2001) ‘Regulating Nursing Homes: The Challenge of Regulating Care for Older People in Australia’ British Medical Journal 323, 443-446.

J. Braithwaite (1998) ‘Regulation and Quality in Aged Care: A Cross-National Perspective’ Australasian Journal on Ageing 17(4), 172-176.

T. Makkai and J. Braithwaite (1996) ‘Procedural Justice and Regulatory Compliance’ Law and Human Behavior 20(1), 83-98.

J. Braithwaite and V. Braithwaite (1995) ‘The Politics of Legalism: Rules Versus Standards in Nursing-Home Regulation’ Social and Legal Studies 4, 307-341. (Reprinted in C. Scott (ed.)(2003) Regulation. Aldershot: Ashgate).

J. Braithwaite and T. Makkai (1994) ‘Trust and Compliance’ Policing and Society 4(1), 1-12.

T. Makkai and J. Braithwaite (1994) ‘Reintegrative Shaming and Regulatory Compliance’ Criminology 32, 361-385. (Reprinted in S. Simpson & C. Gibbs (eds) (2007) Corporate Crime. Aldershot: Ashgate).

T. Makkai and J. Braithwaite (1994) ‘The Dialectics of Corporate Deterrence’ Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 31(4), 347-373.

V. Braithwaite and J. Braithwaite, D. Gibson and T. Makkai (1994) ‘Regulatory Styles, Motivational Postures and Nursing Home Compliance’ Law and Policy 16(4), 363-94.

D. Rickwood and J. Braithwaite (1994) ‘Why Openness With Health Inspectors Pays’ Australian Journal of Public Health 18(2), 165-70.

J. Braithwaite (1993) ‘The Nursing Home Industry’ Crime and Justice: A Review of Research 18, 11-54.

A. Jenkins and J. Braithwaite (1993) ‘Profits, Pressure and Corporate Lawbreaking’ Crime, Law, and Social Change  20, 221-32. (Reprinted in N. Shover and J.Wright (eds)(2000) Crimes of Privilege: Readings in White-Collar Crime. New York: Oxford University Press).

T. Makkai and J. Braithwaite (1993) ‘The Limits of the Economic Analysis of Regulation’ Law and Policy 15(4), 271-91.

T. Makkai and J. Braithwaite (1993) ‘Praise, Pride and Corporate Compliance’ International Journal of the Sociology of Law 21, 73-91.

J. Braithwaite and T. Makkai (1993) ‘Can Resident-Centred Inspection of Nursing Homes Work With Very Sick Residents?’ Health Policy 24(1), 19-33.

J. Braithwaite , T. Makkai, V. Braithwaite and D. Gibson (1993) Raising the Standard: Resident Centred Nursing Home Regulation in Australia. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

T. Makkai and J. Braithwaite ( 1992) ‘In and Out of the Revolving Door: Making Sense of Regulatory Capture’ Journal of Public Policy 12(1), 61-78. (Reprinted in R. Baldwin, C. Scott and C. Hood (eds) (1998) A reader on Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press).

D. Gibson, J. Braithwaite, V. Braithwaite and T. Makkai (1992) ‘Evaluating Quality of Care in Australian Nursing Homes’ Australian Journal on Ageing 11(4), 3-9.

V. Braithwaite, J. Braithwaite, D. Gibson and T. Makkai (1992) ‘Progress in Assessing the Quality of Australian Nursing Home Care’ Australian Journal of Public Health 16(1), 89-97.

J. Braithwaite, V. Braithwaite, D. Gibson, M. Landau and T. Makkai (1992) The Reliability and Validity of Nursing Home Standards. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

J. Braithwaite and T. Makkai (1991) ‘Testing an Expected Utility Model of Corporate Deterrence’ Law and Society Review 25(1), 7-40. (Reprinted in C. Coglianese & R. Kagan (eds)(2007) Regulation and Regulatory Process. Aldershot:  Ashgate).

T. Makkai and J. Braithwaite (1991) ‘Criminological Theories and Regulatory Compliance’ Criminology 29(2), 191-220.

J. Braithwaite, V. Braithwaite, D. Gibson, M. Landau and T. Makkai (1991) The Reliability and Validity of Nursing Home Standards. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

J. Braithwaite, T. Makkai, V. Braithwaite, D. Gibson and D. Ermann (1990) The Contribution of the Standards Monitoring Process to the Quality of Nursing Home Life: A Preliminary Report. Canberra: Department of Community Services and Health [report].


P. Grabosky and J. Braithwaite (1986) Of Manners Gentle: Enforcement Strategies of Australian Business Regulatory Agencies. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. [Out of Print – Manuscript available in pdf]

Click on the title for a free pdf download of most of the following:

J. Braithwaite, T. Makkai and V. Braithwaite (2007) Regulating Aged Care: Ritualism and the New Pyramid. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.