
restorative justice

8 06 2016

Iran: restorative justice and principled engagement

By |2017-10-18T06:33:59+11:008 June 2016|Categories: Crime, Criminal Law, Restorative Justice, Restorative Practice|Tags: , , , , |

For 24 days in May I enjoyed wonderful hospitality in Iran as a guest of Dr Mohammad Farajiha of Tarbiat Modares University. With his inspiring group of graduate students, Dr Farajiha organized a culminating conference in Tehran on Restorative Justice in Iran*, which was attended by visiting scholars from […]

11 05 2016

Rethinking forgiveness

By |2017-10-18T06:33:59+11:0011 May 2016|Categories: Crime|Tags: , |

Nicola Lacey and Hanna Pickard[1] draw upon the evolutionary psychology literature in a recent paper to find that both vengeance and forgiveness are universal human adaptations that have evolved as alternative responses to exploitation. This is why all cultures have both retributive traditions (that are more concentrated on out-groups such as invaders) and […]

24 04 2016

Lest We Forget Wal, Dick and Joyce

By |2017-10-18T06:33:59+11:0024 April 2016|Categories: War|Tags: , , , , , , |

Today, 25 April, I give the Call to Remembrance at the site of the Sandakan prison camp. From this site the terrible war crime of the Sandakan Death March departed in 1945. My father, Dick Braithwaite, was one of 6 survivors. More than 2400 Australian and British Prisoners of War from the camp perished. Many […]

20 04 2016

“Transitional Justice” for Karadzic?

By |2017-10-18T06:33:59+11:0020 April 2016|Categories: War|Tags: , , , , , |

The conviction of Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic for genocide in Srebrenica, among other crimes, is a step toward justice after war. Yes, many populists in Serbia have publicly criticized the alleged bias against Serbs of The Hague Tribunal. At the same time, my fieldwork for Peacebuilding Compared with Aleksandar Marsavelski makes it clear that […]

5 04 2016

Responding to family violence and institutional violence: new Australian developments

By |2017-10-18T06:33:59+11:005 April 2016|Categories: Crime|Tags: , , |

Australian governments have so often been an international embarrassment to its citizens in recent times. On family and institutional violence, in contrast, they have really begun to grasp the nettle. Former Prime Minister Julia Guillard’s government recognized that Australia had a widespread problem of different kinds of institutions engaging in sexual abuse of those in […]

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