Click on the title for a free pdf download of most of the following:
J. Braithwaite (2022) Macrocriminology and Freedom, Canberra, ANU Press
J. Braithwaite (2021) ‘Scaling Up Crime Prevention and Justice‘ Crime and Justice: A Review of Research. doi: 10.1086/716093
J. Braithwaite and B. D’Costa (2018) Cascades of Violence: War, Crime and Peacebuilding across South Asia. Canberra, ANU Press. |
Braithwaite (2018) ‘Minimally Sufficient Deterrence.’ Crime and Justice: A Review of Research 47
Marsavelski and J. Braithwaite. ‘The Best Way to Rob a Bank.’ International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. 7(1): 123‐138
J. Braithwaite (2016) ‘In Search of Donald Campbell’ Criminology & Public Policy 15(2), 417-437.
Braithwaite (2014) ‘Hybridity in the Craft of Canadian Criminology’ Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 56(4), 399-416.
J. Braithwaite (2011) Foreword in M. Boswroth & Carolyn Hoyle (eds) What is Criminology? Oxford: Oxford University Press.
J. Braithwaite (2010) ‘Loose Talk of Just War’ Pakistan Journal of Criminology 2(1), iii-vii
N. Shalhoub-Kevorkia & J. Braithwaite (2010) ‘Victimology Between the Local and the Global’ International Review of Victimology 17, 1-8.
S. Dinnen & J. Braithwaite (2009) ‘Reinventing Policing Through the Prism of the Colonial Kiap’ in Grabosky, Peter (ed.) Community Policing and Peacekeeping. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Revised version of Policing & Society 2007 19(2), 161-173.
E. Ahmed and J. Braithwaite (2008) ‘Shame, Pride and Workplace Bullying’ in S. Karstedt, I. Loader and H. Strang (eds) Emotions, Crime and Justice. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
J. Braithwaite, V. Braithwaite and E. Ahmed (2005) Reintegrative Shaming in S. Henry and M. Lanier (eds) The Essential Criminology Reader, 286-295. Boulder: Westview Press.
J. Braithwaite (2003) ‘What’s Wrong with the Sociology of Punishment?’ Theoretical Criminology 7(1), 5-28.
J. Braithwaite (2003) ‘Transcontinental Migration of Convicts: A Contribution to the Sociology of Punishment’ (Transkontinentale Migration von Strafgefangenen: Das Beispiel Australien), Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 43, 413-440.
J. Braithwaite (2003) Domination, Quiescence and Crime in S. Nagel (ed.) Policymaking and Peace: A Multinational Anthology. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books.
E. Ahmed, N. Harris, J. Braithwaite and V. Braithwaite (2001) Shame Management Through Reintegration. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. |
J. Braithwaite (2001) ‘Crime in a Convict Republic’ The Modern Law Review 64(1), 11-50.
N. Harris and J. Braithwaite (2001) ‘Guilt’ in N.J. Smelser and P. B. Baltes (eds) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 6445-6448. Oxford: Pergamon.
J. Braithwaite (2000) ‘The New Regulatory State and the Transformation of Criminology’ British Journal of Criminology 40(2), 222-238. (Reprinted in D. Garland and R. Sparks (eds) (2000) Criminology and Social Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press).
J. Braithwaite (2000) ‘Shame and Criminal Justice’ Canadian Journal of Criminology 42 (3), 281-298.
J. Braithwaite (1997) ‘Charles Tittle’s Control Balance and criminological theory’ Theoretical Criminology 1(1), 77-97.
J. Braithwaite (1995) ‘Reintegrative Shaming, Republicanism and Policy’ in H. Barlow (ed.) Criminology and Public Policy: Putting Theory to Work. Boulder: Westview Press.
J. Braithwaite (1995) Inequality and Republican Criminology in J. Hagan and R. Peterson (eds) Crime and Inequality. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
J. Braithwaite (1993) ‘Beyond Positivism: Learning from Contextual Integrated Strategies’ Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 30, 1993, 383-99.
J. Braithwaite (1993) ‘Pride in Criminological Dissensus’ Law and Social Inquiry 18, 501-12.
J. Braithwaite (1993) ‘Shame and Modernity’ British Journal of Criminology 33, 1-18. (Reprinted in David Parker, Rosamund Dalziell and Iain Wright (eds) (1996) Shame and the Modern Self. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing).
B. Fisse and J. Braithwaite (1993) Corporations, Crime and Accountability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
J. Braithwaite (1992) ‘Reducing the Crime Problem: A Not So Dismal Criminology’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 25, 1-10.
J. Braithwaite (1991) ‘Poverty, Power, White-Collar Crime and the Paradoxes of Criminological Theory’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 24, 40-50. (Revised version reprinted in K. Schlegel and D. Weisburd (eds) (1992) White Collar Crime Reconsidered. Boston: Northeastern University Press. Unrevised version reprinted in M. McShane and F. Williams III (ed) (1997) Criminal Justice: Contemporary Literature in Theory and Practice. Hamden, Connecticut: Garland Publishing).
J. Braithwaite (1991) ‘Preface’ in R. Scheff and S. Retzinger (eds) Shame, Violence and Social Structure. Lexington: Lexington Books.
J. Braithwaite and P. Pettit (1990) Not Just Deserts: A Republican Theory of Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press. |
J. Braithwaite and B. Fisse (1990) ‘On the Plausibility of Corporate Crime Theory’ Advances in Criminological Theory 2, 15-38. (Reprinted in Japanese in Kokushikan Law Review 1992, 15, 149-177; and also Reprinted in G. Geis, R.F. Meier and L. Salinger (eds) White- Collar Crime: Classic and Contemporary Views, 3rd Edition. New York: NY Free Press).
J. Braithwaite (1989) Crime, Shame and Reintegration. Cambridge University Press. |
J. Braithwaite (1989) ‘Criminological Theory and Organizational Crime’ Justice Quarterly 6, 333-358. (Reprinted in D Nelken (ed.) (1994) White Collar Crime. Aldershot: Dartmouth).
J. Braithwaite (1989) ‘The State of Criminology: Theoretical Decay or Renaissance’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 22, 129-35. (Reprinted in Advances in Criminological Theory 2, 155-166.)
J. Braithwaite (1987) ‘Review Essay: The Mesomorphs Strike Back’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 20, 45-53.
Braithwaite (1986) ‘Retributivism, Punishment and Privilege’ in W. B. Groves & G. Newman (eds) Punishment and Privilege, 55-65. New York: Harrow and Heston. (Reprinted in R. G. Kasinsky (ed.) Crime, Oppression and Inequality. Needham Heights, MA: Ginn Press).
J. Braithwaite (1982) ‘Reply to Dr. Ernest van den Haag’ Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 73, 790-93.
J. Braithwaite (1982) ‘Comment on “The Criminal Law as a Threat System”‘ Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 73, 786-89.
J. Braithwaite (1982) ‘Challenging Just Deserts: Punishing White-Collar Criminals’ Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 73, 723-63.
J. Braithwaite and G. Geis (1982) ‘On Theory and Action for Corporate Crime Control’ Crime and Delinquency April, 292-314. (Reprinted in part as ‘Stricter Penalties Would Reduce Corporate Crime’ in C. Debner, T. O’Neill and B. Szumski (eds) (1984) Crime and Criminals: Opposing Viewpoints, 2nd ed, 115-119. St Paul: Greenhaven Press; A. Duff (ed) (1993) Punishment, 280-311. Aldershot: Dartmouth; N. Shover and J.Wright (eds) (2000) Crimes of Privilege: Readings in White-Collar Crime. New York: Oxford University Press).
J. Braithwaite (1981) ‘The Myth of Social Class and Criminality Reconsidered’ American Sociological Review 46, 36-57. (Reprinted in J.F. Sheley (ed.) (1989) Exploring Crime. New York: Wadworth Publishing Co).
J. Braithwaite (1980) ‘Merton’s Theory of Crime and Differential Class Symbols of Success’ Crime and/et Justice, 7/8, 90-94.
J. Braithwaite (1979) Inequality, Crime, and Public Policy. London and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. [Out of Print – Manuscript available in pdf] |