Honour the Bougainville Peace Agreement
(This post is co-authored with John by Associate Professor Miranda Forsyth of RegNet)
(This post is co-authored with John by Associate Professor Miranda Forsyth of RegNet)
Civil war raged in El Salvador between 1980 and 1992. Many victims of the war fled as refugees to the United States, particularly Los Angeles. Young Salvadorean men from peasant backgrounds were often pushed around and humiliated on the streets of Los Angeles by Mexican gangs who ridiculed the way they spoke Spanish, for example. […]
John recently co-wrote a paper with Kirsty Campbell (St Andrews University) and Derick Wilson (Ulster University) called Ending residual paramilitary domination in Northern Ireland? Restorative economic and social inclusion strategies.
The paper considers options for dismantling residual pockets of paramilitary domination and draws insights from restorative justice and complexity theory. It places Northern Ireland as […]
This is a week of Braithwaite family remembrance of the suffering of war
During the campaign against blood feuds in Kosovo the largest reconciliation meeting was a gathering at Verrat e Llukës on 1 May 1990 where even the official Tanjung Agency of the Yugoslav regime reported 100,000 participants. Leaders of the reconciliation guessed 500,000 in the crowd. Parts of this event can be viewed in the following video: […]
There were also reports of a Turkish soldier beheaded by a mob. But many more of unarmed citizens peacefully, firmly […]
Over nine days in late May-June 2016, Derick Wilson, Kirsty Campbell and John Braithwaite had thirty meetings with diverse public, political, civic and community organisations in Belfast, Dublin, Derry and Ballycastle. These meetings were hosted by two reconciliation charities, the Understanding Conflict Trust and the Corrymeela Community on the theme of ‘The Politics of Hope and […]
Wars get fought for many reasons. Some are to grab territory. Others are to kill an enemy before they kill you. Some are for one part of a country to separate from the rest, often because the separatist region feels that it is marginalized and dominated. Others are for a group with a particular political […]
Today, 25 April, I give the Call to Remembrance at the site of the Sandakan prison camp. From this site the terrible war crime of the Sandakan Death March departed in 1945. My father, Dick Braithwaite, was one of 6 survivors. More than 2400 Australian and British Prisoners of War from the camp perished. Many […]
The conviction of Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic for genocide in Srebrenica, among other crimes, is a step toward justice after war. Yes, many populists in Serbia have publicly criticized the alleged bias against Serbs of The Hague Tribunal. At the same time, my fieldwork for Peacebuilding Compared with Aleksandar Marsavelski makes it clear that […]